Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Journal CASA ANNONCES parution n° 915

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Take better photos of children

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Welcome to the latest newsletter.

As you know, we've recently made the move to Australia again. The shipping container has arrived with all our worldly goods, the boxes (well, most of them) have been unpacked, and our house is starting to feel just a little more homely.

And best of all, we can get rid of the air-bed and sleep on a proper mattress again!

Anyway this month's theme ...

Better Photos of Children

photographing childrenChildren will always be the subject of lots of photos.

But getting good photos of them, and sometimes even getting good photos of grown ups, can feel like getting blood from a stone!

Here are a few phrases that you might have heard:

    Smile, please, just a little one ... no?

    What's that over there, look ... snap!

    ... don't spoil it, do this instead ...

    and the list goes on and on!

There's one simple solution - but first of all ...

Consider things from the child's perspective

Because if you're a child, what you want to do is run around a bit, have a few laughs with your friends, explore something new ...

What you're less interested in is sitting still while someone, likely to be a doting relative, positions you just right so that they can get a photo of you to put in the family album.

As a doting relative, however, you do want that picture for the family album, and you don't understand why they don't want to just sit still for a moment.

Kids eh!

Here's a simple solution

Let them run around. Let them play. Let them investigate.

And watch them ...

After watching them for a while you'll understand the game they're playing, which is important because it lets you anticipate where the best shots are.

Running in and out of the sea? Wait for them to run in, you know they'll be running out, and you know where they'll be, get ready with the camera, and then snap!

The end result is...

Better photos, because the children will be more natural.

Happier children, because they aren't made to stop playing so that they can have their photo taken.

Happier parents, because they get photos of children to treasure!

Hope this helps in your attempts at photographing children.

I've got to go and unpack more boxes now, so, see you next month, and in between on Facebook,

PS: If you know of anyone else that you think would find these newsletters and the site useful, please pass this email along - let's help everyone take better photos!

digital-photography-tips.net on Facebook

Dragonfly in monsoon

good use of depth of field

Good use of depth of field in Ravi's contribution.

5 Cell Phone Photography Tips

how to take better cell phone photos

Find out how to improve your cell phone photography.

Wedding Photos - editing tips

cross process wedding photo

Been to a wedding this year? Have a go at editing those photos with this cross processing tutorial.

Trick photography

black and white portrait photography

Always a popular part of the site - trick photography!

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Journal CASA ANNONCES parution n° 914

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vous utilisez mal votre logiciel...

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Des soucis avec votre gestion commerciale, comptabilité ou logiciel de paie (Ciel, Sage, Erp, Crm..) ?
Vos solutions logicielles en projet ou en exploitation sont notre spécialité.

Aval consultants audite vos installations et prescrit des solutions pérennes en assurant une maintenance efficace et un service conseil accompagnant le développement de votre entreprise

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. Conseil, support et formation en informatique de gestion
. Installation et dépannage matériel informatique
. Sauvegarde et archivage
. Sécurité des données ( anti-virus, firewall)

Angle 29 BD MOHAMED VI & BD de la Résistance - CASABLANCA Tél : 0522 30 73 73
email : aval.conseil@menarama- Site en cours de construction

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Perdez vos kilos en trop tout en vous faisant plaisir

Perdez vos kilos en trop tout en vous faisant plaisir
<%@ include view='MirrorPage_fr_white' %>
Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen
Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen Perdez vos kilos en trop tout
en vous faisant plaisir

Être au régime ne veut pas toujours
dire "stop" à tout ce que vous aimez !
Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen
Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen
Retrouver son juste poids avec Jean-Michel Cohen
Découvrez des recettes délicieuses qui vont vous permettre de perdre du poids tout en vous faisant plaisir. Avec Savoir Maigrir, profitez d'un véritable rééquilibrage alimentaire.
Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen

Boulettes de boeuf à la menthe

Profitez des saveurs du monde grâce des centaines de recettes créées par la communauté Savoir Maigrir et validées par l'équipe de diététiciennes de JM.Cohen.

Je commence gratuitement Je commence gratuitement

Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen

Salade de carottes, boulgour et maasdam

Froide ou chaude, cette recette originale se cuisine aussi bien en été qu'en hiver. Retrouver sa ligne c'est aussi se faire plaisir !

Je passe mon bilan minceur Je passe mon bilan minceur

Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen

Tajine de poulet

Une agréable recette mijotée comme on les aime ! Parfumée, facile de réalisation et surtout légère, alors lancez-vous !

Je commence gratuitement Je commence gratuitement

Savoir Maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen
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