Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The power of multiple exposures for creative photography

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Welcome to the latest newsletter.

I remember taking some wedding photos years ago (back in the bad-old-days of film!) and was chuffed to bits when I managed to put the face of the bride and groom onto a wineglass.

I remember people asking me "how did you do that, it's amazing" (you had to be there!). "It's a multiple exposure" I'd say, pleased as punch that someone appreciated my efforts.

Multiple exposures are one of the many film photography techniques that have made its way over to digital.

Filters are another example - I remember spending ages aligning my Cokin graduated blue filter over a scene to make the sky appear more punchy (and if you don't know what that means, don't worry - it's just a relic from the past!).

Now, with the aid of a digital camera, and some trusty software, I can achieve the same effect with just a few clicks, and I don't have to spend hours outside getting numb fingers either!

Multiple exposures

So, back to those 'multiple exposures'.

As you may well have guessed, a multiple exposure is when you take more than one photo of a scene.

Once you understand the concept you can create any number of interesting photography effects.

The basic idea is this - take one photo of a scene, then, without moving your camera (a tripod helps, but often a steady hand (don't drink too much coffee before-hand!) and a crouching position will do) take a second photo of the same scene where something has now moved or been added.

When you come to the processing stage, what you do is layer the two images on top of each other, and then mask out anything from the top layer that you don't want to see, allowing the bottom layer to show through.

To find out more about layers, have a look at this ghostly tutorial.

So, what effects can be created?

The creativity this allows really is endless. I've put a few examples up on the site in recent weeks - the latest one being a ghostly image of my daughter, have a look below:

ghost image created using multiple exposures

All we did was take one photo of her sitting on the slide, then she moved round to stand next to the slide.

We combined the two images and made the top one (the ghost) black and white. We then masked out everything from that top, black and white, image so that only the ghost appeared.

The final thing was to reduce the opacity of the top layer, the ghost, so that some of the background appeared through her.

There's a full tutorial for this trick photography effect here, and also a link to free online image editing software (so you don't have to buy anything!)

If that's got you thinking, have a look at the other creative ideas (some for multiple exposures) on the right here >>>>

Hope this has been useful. More tips in the next newsletter. Until then, why not join me on Facebook? I post regular updates there in between newsletters.


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Trick Photography - multiplicity photos

trick photography - multiplicity images

Has this newsletter got you thinking about trick photography? Here's another cracking trick photography technique.

Getting creative - with nothing more than a brick wall!

know how to travel with your digital camera

It doesn't always take much to get creative. I set myself a task - take a creative photo with nothing more than a wall for inspiration!

An idea for all those 'lost' photos

Photo of Havanna with a caption added

Found some photos on your hard drive that didn't make the cut? No problem, try this photo idea to give them a new lease of life.

Tree in bloom

photo of tree in bloom

A visitor's submission of a tree in bloom. But is there more that could be done to improve the photo?

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Monday, April 29, 2013

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Sunday, April 28, 2013





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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stop aux classes trop chargées et aux crèches sans récré. Nous vous garantissons 22 enfants par classe dans un espace harmonieux et spacieux.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013


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Monday, April 15, 2013

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Only hours to go to fast-track your photography skills

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Welcome to my final, special, email.

This will be the briefest of brief messages, to do nothing more than remind you that there are only a few hours left to take up the special offer.

If you've not yet taken a look at the offer page, here are the key benefits. One simple subscription gets you:

  • 8 free back issues of the magazine (valued at $120.00)
  • "The Secrets of Lighting" eBook, valued at $19.77 (with your second issue)
  • "Digital Photography Techniques" eBook, valued at $17.00 (with your third issue)
  • "Digital Photography Presentation" eBook, valued at $19.97 (with your fourth issue)
  • "Five Most Popular Scenarios In Digital Photography" eBook, valued at $24.97 (with your fifth issue)
  • "Digital Photography In Abstract" eBook, valued at $14.97 (with your sixth issue)
  • "Powerful Landscape Photography" eBook, valued at $30.00 (with your seventh issue)
  • "Digital Photography Success" eBooks part 1 and 2, valued at $39.97 (with your eighth issue)
  • "Advanced Digital Photography" eBook, valued at $59.97, and "Exposure Charts", a double bonus valued at $14.97 (with your ninth issue)
The entire package is worth $341.82 - for you it's free (and that's 341 good reasons to learn more!).

There really is no more time to take up this offer, and give you, the photographer all the knowledge you'll ever need in order to produce incredible photos, time after time.

The clock's ticking, and there's nothing more I can say. Have a look at the information here and find out how to lift your photo taking skills even higher.

There, all done. From here on I'll only be sending out my regular monthly email (and that's a promise!),


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Sunday, April 14, 2013

What are the secrets of taking sensational photos?

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Welcome to my second special newsletter!
(This one's only 68 seconds long - I'm getting quicker!)

This was actually going to be my last email - nothing more than a gentle photographer to photographer nudge to remind you that the promotion I'm running with Amy will expire in a little over 24hrs time.

But on Friday, my email went up the spout, my visitors in Asia and Australasia were missed out of the intitial mailing, some folks got nothing other than a banner and a blank email...

... frankly, it was a poor day for my email!

Anyway, I got in touch with Amy who has agreed to extend the promotion for one further day (yay!). This means you now have until midnight GMT on Tuesday.

From that point on, we'll be closing the doors. What will you have missed?

  • expert guidance, from a photography teacher, that will rapidly improve your photography skills,
  • the freshest ideas for your photography so that you'll never be struggling to find photo opportunities,
  • powerful and effective photography tips which will fast-track your picture making skills,
  • some of the most amazing photography tricks that will astound your family and friends,
  • exclusive video guides, so that you can learn while relaxing with a coffee!
  • a comprehensive selection of photography eBooks,
  • an engaging online photography magazine ...
Tomorrow I'll send one more email (it really will be the final one) as a final reminder of this promotion, and then the doors close. This is very nearly ...

digital-photography-tips.net site visitor offer 2013

... no more I can say but have a look at the information here and find out how to lift your photo taking skills high above the average.

There, all done for today. 68 seconds well spent!


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Friday, April 12, 2013

Which of these 8 free eBooks will improve your photography?

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Welcome to this special newsletter!
Which I'm sub-titling "possibly the best 1 minute 38 second read ever!" (start your stopwatch...)

I have good news, and bad news. Do you want the good or bad first?

Ok, I'll start with the good (you did say good first, right?).

Ever taken a photo and thought, "hmm, ok, but could be better", and then got stuck wondering just 'how' to make it better?

Or, and here's one of my favourites, "ok, but something's missing...." but you can't figure out what?
(at this point I'm usually stroking my chin thoughtfully while my wife rolls her eyes!)

Well, I have a solution - 8 free eBooks, packed full of photography knowledge that can't fail to turn those "what if" moments into "wow, how 'bout that!" moments.

I won't go into all the details here, because if you're anything like me you also hate being sent long and winding emails.

Suffice to say, this is something only available to my site visitors (really, I'm not kidding, my site visitors only).

And as a subscriber to my email (and to say thanks for putting up with me this far!) I have an extra little prezzie for you which casual site visitors won't see - a free downloadable guide "Secrets of Design in Photography".

The guide is the briefest of brief guides, written by my favourite photography teacher, Amy, who you can meet later.

And the bad news?

Ah, yes. I did say there was some bad news, didn't I?

Have a look at the promotion (again, I won't drive you nuts by filling your email with it here) and you'll see it expires on Monday - midnight GMT.

But if that's the worst piece of bad news you hear today, I reckon we'll be OK!

Hope you have a great weekend, and do check out the promotion, and find out which free eBook will help your photography the most!


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Monday, April 8, 2013



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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pour ne pas avoir chaud cet été!!!

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Thursday, April 4, 2013


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Monday, April 1, 2013


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