Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Photography Offer April 2012

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Well, here is my last message to you about how you can transform your photography with the help of my friend Amy Renfrey.

She's offering her photography ebooks for free with every subscription, ebooks about all the things you ever wanted to know about photography.

I've now got all the details about how this works. Here goes: Grab yourself a subscription to "Focus", Amy's photography monthly Ezine.

  • You'll also get her entire collection of ebooks

  • Plus you'll get 8 back issues of the Ezine, on the house...

...just because you are one of my subscribers.

There are nine ebooks in total and each month, for nine months, you get one of these ebooks for free with your subscription.

  • Sign up for the subscription and you'll get 8 back issues of the Focus Ezine for only $15.00

  • Each month, after a full month of subscription ($15.00), you'll get an ebook sent to you, on the house. It's valued at $221.82, but it's yours for free, with every current subscription.

Here's what you get each month while you are subscribed to "Focus" Ezine:

  • Once you sign up in the first month, you'll be sent 8 complimentary back issues (with first issue)

  • "The Secrets Of Lighting", valued at $19.77 (with second issue)

  • "Digital Photography Techniques", valued at $17.00 (with third Issue)

  • "Digital Photography Presentation", valued at $19.97 (with fourth issue)

  • "Five Most Popular Scenarios In Digital Photography", valued at $24.97 (with fifth issue)

  • "Digital Photography In Abstract", valued at $14.97 (with sixth issue)

  • "Powerful Landscape Photography", valued at $30.00 (with seventh issue)

  • "Digital Photography Success" part 1 and 2 (valued at $39.97) (with eighth issue)

  • "Advanced Digital Photography" (valued at $59.97) and "Exposure Charts" ; a double bonus valued at $14.97 (With ninth issue)

This entire package is worth over $300. And you get it as a gift; only because you are one of my subscribers.

The fine print. Not that there is much, but here is a bit extra:

  • Take out a subscription for $15 a month; get 8 back issues valued at $120, plus $221.28 of free ebooks.

  • You get the 8 back issues straight away- valued at $120

  • Each month, you'll be sent a new ebook. (Focus comes out each month.)

  • You need to be subscribed for at least nine months for you to be entitled to receive the entire collection. (That's because there are nine ebooks and one video in the collection).

One more thing I haven't told you. Each issue has a terrific photography video in it. It's a topical video each issue.

For example one issue may have a video on landscape photography, the next months video may be on black and white photography, then next on colour and lighting, and so on. Each video lasts around 30-40 minutes.

There is nowhere else you'll get an amazing offer like this. Only here, as a subscriber.

Very important note: These ebooks are absolutely dynamic. They are jam packed with rich and fulfilling content. They contain the right information that will help you take stunning and striking photographs straight away. They are also explained in easy-to-understand English so anyone, at any level of education (regardless of how little photography you've done), can easily understand everything.

But you must take up this offer now because it won't be around in a few months. In fact it will not be around for much longer. This offer expires on the 8th of April, 2012. That's just over a week away.

Not only can you get over $300 worth of dynamic, life changing information, but you'll get the chance to put yourself on the same level as professional photographers.

Take out a subscription. You will absolutely love it. It will completely transform your photos for life. Go here to get it NOW!.


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