Sunday, February 3, 2013

"How To Take Good Ebay Photos"

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Welcome to the latest newsletter.

Now the festive season is well and truly over, we've been clearing out a few things and getting them ready to sell on ebay.

A little while ago I remember hearing that taking good pictures for ebay can make a big difference to the final sale price. I can't remember the exact percentage increase, but it was sizeable.

With that in mind I thought I'd share a few tips on how to take good ebay photos.

Tips on taking pictures for ebay

Have a look at the photo of my daughter's toy that I took below, and I'll run through the reasons why this is a poor example of how to take good ebay photos.
poor example of a poor photo for ebay
The problems with this photo are probably obvious and include:
  • It's out of focus
  • The background is cluttered
  • The flash isn't even
Clearly, if that's your advert for your ebay product, it's not going to bring the bidders in!

I've taken another photo of the toy (see below), a bit better, but still not the best example of an ebay photo.

poor example of a photo for ebay
Although better than the first photo I took, here are some problems with it:
  • The background is very cluttered
  • The toy is too small in the frame
  • The flash still isn't even
Although better than my first shot, it's still not going to get top dollar in an ebay auction.

So, here's the final shot, my example of how to take good ebay photos:

example showing how to take good ebay photos
Now that's better! Here's how to do it:
  • set up a clean white background (I used a cotton bed sheet and hung half of it over the sofa and the other half on the floor)
  • Get lots on light onto it - I placed it by the window for natural light, set up two table lamps either side, and used the flash too)
  • Zoom in close. The object should pretty much fill the frame.

So there you go, a few useful tips on taking pictures for ebay. I'll be popping my daughter's toy up on ebay soon, along with all the other items I photographed at the same time. Finger's crossed we get a good price!

More tips in the next newsletter. Until then, why not join me on Facebook? I post regular updates there in between newsletters.

Darrell. on Facebook

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