Sunday, April 14, 2013

What are the secrets of taking sensational photos?

Dear Stay Focussed reader,

Welcome to my second special newsletter!
(This one's only 68 seconds long - I'm getting quicker!)

This was actually going to be my last email - nothing more than a gentle photographer to photographer nudge to remind you that the promotion I'm running with Amy will expire in a little over 24hrs time.

But on Friday, my email went up the spout, my visitors in Asia and Australasia were missed out of the intitial mailing, some folks got nothing other than a banner and a blank email...

... frankly, it was a poor day for my email!

Anyway, I got in touch with Amy who has agreed to extend the promotion for one further day (yay!). This means you now have until midnight GMT on Tuesday.

From that point on, we'll be closing the doors. What will you have missed?

  • expert guidance, from a photography teacher, that will rapidly improve your photography skills,
  • the freshest ideas for your photography so that you'll never be struggling to find photo opportunities,
  • powerful and effective photography tips which will fast-track your picture making skills,
  • some of the most amazing photography tricks that will astound your family and friends,
  • exclusive video guides, so that you can learn while relaxing with a coffee!
  • a comprehensive selection of photography eBooks,
  • an engaging online photography magazine ...
Tomorrow I'll send one more email (it really will be the final one) as a final reminder of this promotion, and then the doors close. This is very nearly ... site visitor offer 2013

... no more I can say but have a look at the information here and find out how to lift your photo taking skills high above the average.

There, all done for today. 68 seconds well spent!


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